Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sasha's Snow Carols and their first Outdoor Adventure

With all of the snow and bitter cold the puppies hadn't experienced the great outdoors....until today. We couldn't let them play out there for very long because it was only 36 degrees, but the pups really did seem to enjoy themselves outside.

Surprise...the first one out of the basket and onto the grass was Noel. She may be tiny, but she is fearless.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sheltie puppies and the Steggin' Egg

The "Steggin' Egg" is a toy from WalMart that dispenses puppy kibble when the pups tip it from side to side.

Sasha's Carols are very intent on herding all of the kibble out of the Steggin' Egg toy. The four puppies are 6.5 weeks old

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday Night Puppy Fights

Hi....this is Newton.
I don't know what to say about this. I am trying to puppy sit for Sasha, but the little pups are just wild all around me in the room; and then Figaro comes in and barks his head off at us.

And Jingle tries to jump up on my back!!!!
Sasha....SASHA!!!!! I need you!!!

Crowd in the great room

With coyotes howling in the front yard, all of the shelties are milling around in the great room.

I love wildlife, but I really wish that there were no coyotes in our area. Their howling sounds demented and they are a danger to my cats and dogs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rock -n- Roll Sheltie Puppies

As Blind Lemon Phillips practices in the basement, the puppies are hopping and running and play around in the great room. They are absolutely not fazed at all by the loud music down stairs!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sheltie Puppy Jail

The Carols are sleeping when I get home. They look so guilty when they wake up that I found it funny. I particularly like the unison head drop when I ask them if they DESERVE to come out of jail and play. LOL.....they are a RIOT!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Running wild in the yard

After days and days of being snowbound the snow has receded enough for the shelties to run around outside. Even Indy gets into the spirit of things, moseying around the yard at a stately pace!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Scurry Furries

Look at those cuties scurrying around the room! The puppies are so funny.....they play like crazy but if you distract them then they stand there and stare at you!

Pouncing puppies

The puppies are getting more and more rowdy; hopping and pouncing on each other!

Sheltie puppies climb and play

Just gotta love watching the sheltie puppies play and play and play!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sasha's Snow Carols and....the Popcorn Song

The Popcorn Song is a favorite of our puppies. It will energize them into a frenzy, even from a deep sleep.

Here the Carols hear the Popcorn Song for the first time! Go puppies, go puppies, its some popcorn, get hopping!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sheltie puppy play time

The pups are having a wonderful time in the great room enclosure, running around and using my lap as a jungle gym!

Puppy Introductions

How could anyone have the blues with a lap full of puppies! I'm having a blast with Sasha's Carols...they are very cuddly!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Newton plays with his children

Noel, Nick, Jingle and Belle are 5 weeks old now and are getting funnier and fuzzier all the time! They have the living room littered with of which is a little squeaking mouse toy that Newton loves to play with. Its actually a cat toy belonging to our cat Jack, but Newton considers it his.

If you the very end of this video Newton GETS the MOUSE BACK!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow Carols in the new enclosure

Today we made the big move for the puppies from the whelping box in our bedroom to the Xpen enclosure in the great room. The pups seemed to enjoy the extra room and new things to look at.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day Puppy Wrestling

The puppies welcome in the New Year with a rowdy wrestling match!!